NeNGA Grafting Workshops 

(bench grafting is suspended until further notice) NeNGA's Bench Grafting workshop is a good way to graft a walnut, pecan, or hickory cultivar and have it ready for spring planting. We have available several cultivar selections. You will graft a high quality nut cultivar on to rootstock that was pre-dug from a nursery. After you finish the graft, it is kept in a green house environment to sprout. The bench grafting workshop is held in early March and one can pick up your successful grafts at our spring meeting unless other arrangements are made. There is a charge for the supplies, rootstock and scion wood.

NeNGA holds at least one, if not two, field grafting workshops at a grower's field location on live seedling trees. You will be working with experienced grafters. Several grafting techniques are demonstrated like the four/three flap, inlay bark and arrowhead grafts. Other grafting techniques are also demonstrated upon request.  Look for announcements on the Events Calendar.

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