The mission of NeNGA is to educate persons, primarily citizens of Nebraska, in the cultivation, propagation, improvement and use of the nut and fruit trees and bushes. 

The NeNGA was chartered in 1973 as a nonprofit organization with the desire to promote the growing of nuts and fruit in Nebraska. Initially, a small but enthusiastic group of members began regular meetings, and early on were printing a newsletter. In the early 1980’s membership grew quickly with the help of W. A. Gustafson and Cyril Bish, both of Lincoln. A Northern Pecan research effort was underway at that time at the University of Nebraska, East Campus that caught the interest of many back yard hobbyists who did not realize pecans could be grown here. Many new members received pecan seed from the University and sprouted them in containers to be transferred later in the season to their orchard. Meetings and field tours were held to give members the latest information on orchard design, as well as skills training in grafting, pruning, and general tree care. From the leadership and research provided by UNL we now have, in addition to the UNL research orchard on East Campus, many privately owned nut orchards in Nebraska containing a wide variety of Black Walnut, Pecan, Hickory, and Hican cultivars, and more recently Hazel Nuts. These orchards of nut cultivars (clones) exist primarily because of the enthusiasm and hard work of the members of our organization. These superior clones produce high quality nuts and can withstand the rigors of Nebraska weather. It is hoped that the future holds even more exciting chapters for the NeNGA.

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