Nebraska Nut Growers Nut Evaluation
The Nebraska Nut Growers Association hosts an annual nut evaluation event for membership to increase the knowledge of known nut cultivars and to identify new, high producing, high quality nut trees. Typical species for evaluation include: Black Walnut, Pecan, Hickory, Butternut, Persian Walnut, Hazelnut and Heartnut, but other species will be accepted and evaluated.
The most recent evaluation summary showing the highest rated nuts for the year is available at the 2023 Nut Evaluations drop down tab. NeNGA members have access to additional evaluation data each year from 2008 to latest year as well as a 20 year summary of 1998-2007. There was no evaluation for 2020 nuts.
If you would like to join the Nebraska Nut Growers Association click here.